Today, the trial team in Nyon included their second patient! Congratulations on this achievement. New patient in Nyon!March 29, 2018 in News by ssterchi
Today, the second international patient was included. Thanks to the trial team in Larissa, Greece! Second international patient in LarissaMarch 21, 2018 in News by ssterchi
Bern included their 12th patient today! Congratulations on this achievement! New patient in Bern!March 19, 2018 in News by ssterchi
The trial team in St. Gallen randomised their 5th patient today! Congratulations on this achievement. Today, the 5th patient was randomised in St. GallenMarch 18, 2018 in News by ssterchi
Today, the trial team in Bern included their 11th patient. Congratulations on this achievement! 11th patient randomised in Bern!March 16, 2018 in News by ssterchi
Sion included their third patient today. The total number of randomised patients is now at 40! Congratulations to the trial team in Sion! New patient in Sion!March 15, 2018 in News by ssterchi
As of today, Hamburg University Hospital is open for recruitment. We look forward to many randomised patients. More sites in Germany will follow soon. Hamburg-Eppendorf is open for patient accrualMarch 14, 2018 in News by ssterchi
Today, the trial team in Larissa randomised their first patient. This is the first patient outside of Switzerland and an important milestone for ELAN! Congratulations to the team in Larissa. First international patient!March 8, 2018 in News by ssterchi
The trial team in St. Gallen randomised their fourth patient today! Congratulations on this achievment! Today, the 4th patient was randomised in St. Gallen!March 6, 2018 in News by mpaulisch
The trial team in Aarau randomised their fourth patient today! Congratulations on this achievement! Today, the 4th patient was randomised in Aarau!March 2, 2018 in Uncategorized by mpaulisch