The trial team in Heidelberg randomised a new patient today. Many thanks and congratulations on this achievement!
Yearly Archives: 2020
Today the trial teams in Lanarkshire and Betsi Cadwaladr randomised one patient each. Many thanks and congratulations on this achievement!
2 new patients in the UK
The trial team in Osaka randomised a new patient on December 26. Many thanks and congratulations on this achievement!
New patient in Japan
Today the trial teams in Köln and Kortrijk randomised one patient each. Many thanks and congratulations on this achievement! Merry Christmas
2 new patients in Germany and Belgium
Today the trial teams in Fribourg and Winterthur randomised one patient each. Many thanks and congratulations on this achievement!
Two new patients in Switzerland!
As of today, ELAN is open again for patient accrual at Klinikum der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany. Thanks and best of luck to the team!
ELAN site in Bochum re-opened!
Today the trial team in Kumamoto randomised their very first patient. Many thanks and congratulations!
First patient in Kumamoto!
Yesterday the trial teams in Heidelberg and Durham randomised one patient each. Many thanks and congratulations on this achievement!
Two new patients in Germany and UK!
Since Friday, five more patients have been randomised. Congratulations to the trial teams in Aberdeen, Stoke-on-Trent, Leuven, Graz and Osaka!
Five new patients randomised!
On Friday the trial team in Kortrijk randomised their 19th patient. Many thanks and congratulations on this achievement!