The trial teams in Rome, Heidelberg, Kortrijk and Linz Neurologie 2 randomised one new patient each. Many thanks and congratulations on this great achievement!
The trial team in Kortrijk randomised one new patient today. Many thanks and congratulations on this great achievement!
One new patient randomised!
The trial teams in Bologna, Lisbon Central, Osaka, Morriston and Graz randomised one new patient each. Many thanks and congratulations on this great achievement!
Five new patients randomised!
WE MADE IT! As of today 2000 patients have been randomised into the ELAN Trial. We want to thank you all for your hard work, diligence and incredible support, without which ELAN would not have been possible!
The trial teams in Heidelberg, OLV-Aalst and Rome randomised one new patient each. Many thanks and congratulations on this great achievement!
Three new patients randomised!
The trial teams in Bologna and Akershus randomised one new patient each today. Many thanks and congratulations on this great achievement!
Two new patients randomised!
The trial teams in Rome, Helsinki, Liège and Basel randomised one new patient each. Many thanks and congratulations on this great achievement!
Four new patients randomised!
The trial teams in Leuven, Coimbra, MCH Trivandrum and Hirakata randomised one new patient each. The trial team in Akershus randomised two new patients and the trial team in Tochigi randomised four new patients. Many thanks and congratulations on this great achievement!
Ten new patients randomised!
The trial teams in Tübingen and Egas Moniz randomised one new patient each today. Many thanks and congratulations on this great achievement!
Two new patients randomised!
The trial teams in Linz Neurologie 2 and Heidelberg randomised one new patient each today. Many thanks and congratulations on this great achievement!